His Holiness Swamiji visits the United Nations HQ in New York
His Holiness Swamiji at the UN HQ
His Holiness Paramhans Swami Maheshwarananda was invited by the United Nations in New York City to present His message of Spiritual Awakening for World Peace.
On the evening of April 25th together with Mr. Ramu Damodaran, Chief, Civil Society Services, UN Department of Public Information, Bawa Jain, Secretary General, World Council of Religious Leaders of The Millennium World Peace Summit and Tsu-Wei Chang, Chief, Coordination, Division for the Advancement of Women, Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Swamiji gave a talk and meditation at the UN headquarters.
Mr.Damodaran who opened the event spoke about the importance of Swamiji’s ability to reconcile the loftiness of spirituality with very down to earth practical approaches. He explained how Swamiji has created a Desert Rainwater Harvesting Initiative to help meet the millennium development goals of the UN. These goals include providing sustainable source of fresh waters to the rural communities, to provide further education for the poor and to improve conditions and emancipation of women. These millennium goals are being achieved through skill and spiritual awakening. He especially emphasized Swamiji’s capacity to bring the principles of Sanatan Dharma to the individual lives.
The next speaker, Mr. Jain expressed his deep devotion to Swamiji. He has personally witnessed Swamiji’s unique ability to facilitate building the inner spiritual foundation towards awakening of human consciousness. Once the foundation is strong then it automatically manifests in the external life. According to Mr. Jain for a person who has realized this inner awakening the peace radiates to all. He invited Swamiji to return often to the UN to help build this inner spiritual foundation among the people who are working in their very difficult jobs and requested that he facilitates the week long retreat at the UN headquarters.
Swamiji enhanced the evening with his thoughts on the importance of education, love and spiritual values. He instructed the audience to explore within themselves the question: What makes us human?
Without knowing the value of the human qualities of tolerance, respect, understanding, trust and humility in this human life one cannot understand human rights. When the spirituality is awakened in the human heart, then one can understand more deeply the responsibility towards protecting humanity and nature.
The evening was closed by Ms. Chang who expressed here sincere gratitude to Swamiji and the large international group present. She noted how evident peace was on the faces of those attending the event.
At United Nations